Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us with questions, concerns or suggestions.
750 W. Lake Cook Rd., Suite 440
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
Please feel free to contact us with questions, concerns or suggestions.
750 W. Lake Cook Rd., Suite 440
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
"Perennials are just beginning to get looked at, but from what I’m seeing, the results with HydraFiber are also comparable to the performance observed in other growing mixes."
"The HydraFiber and AgriNomix teams were excellent to work with as we made the transition. We worked with them to get both our soil blends and the mixing equipment just right."
"Previously when we would move some of our dormant grass liners to heat, we would see tremendous top growth, but rooting would lag behind and there’s not much you can do to enhance plant quality without good roots. When we moved these liners to a HydraFiber blend, we had a very successful crop – plants grew uniformly and we had good root quality throughout the crop across various varieties.”
“Since raising our inclusion rates, we’ve had no issues with the quality of our plants.”
“The HydraFiber limits the fertilizer leach out and there’s much better color on material. We aren’t losing the fertilizer with watering anymore. That’s really what I’m seeing more than anything.”